网站名称 | SuperSiC晶瑞电子|Home |
主办单位名称 | 无 |
主办单位性质 | 无 |
ICP备案号/许可证号 | 无 |
注册人/机构 | 无 |
注册人邮箱 | 无 |
开始时间 | 无 |
过期时间 | 无 |
网站首页地址 | www.supersic.cc |
审核时间 | 无 |
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站点标题 | SuperSiC晶瑞电子|Home |
站点关键词 | Conductive silicon carbide substrate,Diamond,silicon carbide,SuperSiC晶瑞电子,晶瑞电子,浙江晶瑞电子材料有限公司,碳化硅,导电型碳化硅,碳化硅衬底,碳化硅晶体 |
站点描述 | SuperSiC晶瑞电子 has developed a series of key equipment centering round the three major semiconductor materials of silicon, sapphire and silicon carbide, and further extended its business to the field of compound substrate materials, providing globally competitive high-end equipment and high-quality services for the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries.SuperSIC晶瑞电子 is a global leader both in photovoltaic equipment technology and scale, and a leading enterprise in 8-12-inch large silicon wafer growth and processing machines at the domestic integrated circuit level, with international advanced large-size sapphire crystal growth tech |
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